• Painted houses and not the way you would to put in a picture frame.

  • Packed monkfish at a fish processing plant on the Great South Bay for export to France, oh those crazy French.

  • Stood at the end of a 300º tunnel oven pounding pound cakes out of their cooking molds at Entenmann’s bakery. This was the good job there!

  • Counted cars at an intersection for a traffic monitoring company. “...99, 100, 101....oh damn, 1, 2, 3....” .

  • Demolished beach houses for renovation. “There’s no asbestos here, but you should hold your breath a lot...”

  • Drew writer portraits for a publishing company (UNC Press). There’s absolutely no other way I would have known about Ezra Pound's Cantos.

  • Head Steward at a Yacht Club. Also was their head bottle washer, toilet cleaner, barnacle scraper, cook...

  • Cut grass, shoveled snow; the kind of grass that is called a lawn and snow, the kind that falls from the sky.

  • Played drums in a rock and roll band - yeah!


  • Been on a boat; motor, sail, row, sinking.

  • Flown in a plane; big ones, little ones, jet ones, prop ones and a helicopter, “Don’t touch that button son...”.

  • Been on a bike, motorcycle, skateboard, roller skates, ice skates, waterskis, inner tube, roller-coaster, water-slide....

  • Drove a Volkswagen on an ice covered bay.

  • Traveled to Europe a couple of times but they kept sending me back.

  • Been down Memory Lane.

  • Stood on a glacier in the Alps - very slippery.

  • I’ve seen a lot of the United States but those travel tales would need a book or at least a periodical.

  • I’ve been around a Monopoly board a few times too.

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